Monday, May 30, 2016

Heart Threads

May, the month of memorials: Police Memorial Week followed by Memorial Day. It is a time of feelings; fierce pride, overwhelming sadness,  unexpected camaraderie and  lots of love. We see people that we only talk to once a year yet we find that we are connected, connected with threads sewn through our hearts. The thread is made up of our common grief from a staggering loss.
When we are apart, the threads are still there keeping us loosely connected. When we  meet at our memorials, those threads are pulled tight, uniting us in the common pain of heart wrenching loss.
We are stronger for sharing and being together.
Today I ran a 5k in memory of a Marine that lost his life in a motorcycle accident. I usually run to music but in my haste to get out the door, I forgot my headphones so I went "old school" and ran without electronics. I spent my time running talking to Ace, thanking him for all that he has given me; my new found friendships, people that are now in my heart, helping to fill that gap.
I also talked to Josh Harmon, an Army Corporal who lost his life in the middle east. Josh's dad, Rich, is one of those people that is connected by our heart thread. We lost our sons but did gain a wonderful friendship and love, created and nurtured by our sons.
Today the heart threads are tugged tight, helping all of us who have experienced this loss to pull together for strength. Memorial Day is a day to unite and remember. We can also remember with smiles and Josh and Andy would not want it any other way.
God Bless America and Semper Fi.

Ace's Mom~ "There is nothing to be unhappy about"~ Andy "Ace" Nowacki

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