Eleven years later and some things never change. It goes without saying that missing Andy is a normal undercurrent of daily life now. It is the norm, a dull ache that is ever present. What is not expected is turning on the news and seeing Ace! Let me explain:
With all the news about snow and canceled flights that have impacted the entire country, there have been many a reporter standing in an airport, pointing out the obvious: many travelers are stranded. In one such newscast, and I cannot even say which station or city, the camera pans the airport while the reporter talks about the snowy Armageddon that is beginning in the east. At that point I look up and standing in profile, is a military man. He is dressed in fatigues, sporting a large military backpack. The soldier has light colored hair and from a distance, he appeared to be Andy or his twin. He was only on the screen for five seconds or so, but in that time my heart picked up speed as I saw Ace before me! I had hoped that the camera would pan back but it never did.
This incident reminded me of a dream that I had many years ago. In this dream, Ace was standing in the kitchen, next to the french doors. He was wearing fatigues that had not been washed and his face was dirty. I was so astounded to see him that I was almost speechless. I told him that we were led to believe that he had died in Iraq. Ace said that "they" had lied to us! He was quite angry about it. He told me that he had been on a secret operation for several years which was why he had not been in touch. Anyone who knows Ace can appreciate that he was the least likely person to do anything secretive as he loved to talk to any and all people he met and then keep their contact information so that he could stay in touch! Needless to say, as lifelike as that dream was, I woke up to no Ace beside me in the kitchen.
Call me crazy, but I believe that these "Ace sightings" are Andy's way of letting me know that he is still with me, despite our inability to physically connect.
No matter who we lose, there always seems to be this minuscule kernel of hope that our loved one is really still here on earth and that this death thing is all a sham. Defense mechanism? Our internal coping technique to deal with devastating loss?
Perhaps, but I will swear that the soldier on TV turned, smiled and gave me the "rock on" sign.
"There is nothing to be unhappy about" ~ Andy "Ace" Nowacki
Rock On,
Ace's Mom
Your son is as near as your next breath... love never leaves you but it does change form.... from the seen to only the felt and one day you and Andy will have the best conversation about all these things.... death is only a change of the state of our energy body and we are all made of energy from top to bottom... love you Sheila...