Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Bucket List

I think we all have a bucket list even if we call it by another name. I was able to strike through one of the entries on my bucket list: I called cadence for 11 Marines that I had the utmost privilege to run with this past weekend.
 We had our inaugural 5k run and 1 mile walk on 9/11, Heroes Run to Remember. Eleven Marines from Truck Company based in Erie, PA, traveled to Painesville not only to remember the lives lost on 9/11 but to honor Ace and keep his spirit burning bright. These Marines did not serve with Andy; they never spoke to him or deployed with him. They came out of respect and loyalty to the Marine from Truck Company who gave his life for his brothers and his country.
These Marines ran at my back and would not pass me, despite the fact I slowed them down. They stayed at my shoulder, counting cadence and calling out Ace's name. They not only inspired me they touched everyone who heard their voices and the rhythm of their feet. These Marines ran out of respect for the fallen and for their country while ironically, almost simultaneously, overpaid, privileged athletes chose to sit "in protest" on 9/11 during our National Anthem. Andy fought and these Marines still fight to ensure that these NFL players can protest, no matter how inappropriate the timing or the nature of their message.
For those of you who know me, you also know that I believe, no I KNOW,  that Andy is with me whenever I need him. With that being said, there was a point during the 9/11 ceremony that preceded the run where Ace announced his presence in an extraordinary way: right after the pause to commemorate the moment the second plane flew into the Towers, a bald eagle flew over Veterans Park where the event took place. Is there anyone who doubted that Ace provided that flyover? Certainly not Ace's Mom!
Semper Fi,
Ace's Mom

"There is nothing to be unhappy about" ~ Ace Nowacki